Friday, April 16, 2021

And Then . . ,

 geared up and ready to start a brand new year! I planned to write more blog posts. I signed up for #MAE and #100dayproject, reviewed designs on #SpoonFlower thinking about revising and developing them into collections and explored ideas for new #Zazzle designs.  And, to make this even better, my daughters gave me a new iPadPro for Christmas. I downloaded ProCreate and I was ready to make this a creative year.

But somehow life just gets in the way. Not that anything major happened. Certainly not as it pertains to writing and designing. I have a bad knee that has certainly limited my mobility (and my enthusiasm) which should mean I have more time to create since I'm not able to garden.

I just have not been able to get into a groove.  I thought the "making art every day" would be a motivator. At my age, I should know better than that. I'm always ready to move to the next idea before the one I'm working on is complete.  And I used to force myself to complete the project before moving on -- well, I had to finish with the original design when it was a DIY contracted project.  But now that it's my schedule and my project, I can change my mind or my schedule in the middle of whatever. Or decide not to do anything.  Maybe it's just my way of procrastinating?

The #MAE and #100dayproject fell by the wayside before I even got started. The only real creativity has been to work in ProCreate to develop textile designs for my SpoonFlower shop.  I am beginning to get the hang of ProCreate and for the most part the learning process has been enjoyable. There have been a few frustrations but I have completed six design challenges (snippets of designs below).

SpoonFlower Design Challenges

So maybe I just need to get over it and move on. Maybe I'm ready to get in a groove?

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