Saturday, July 23, 2022

Dark Academia

This week's Spoonflower challenge is "Dark Academia".  What? I had no idea it was a thing. What first came to my mind was Harry Potter stuff. And I'm not too far off.  Here is the Wikipedia definition --

"Dark academia is a social media aesthetic and subculture concerned with higher education, writing/poetry, the arts, and classic Greek and Gothic architecture. The subculture is associated with ancient art and classic literature."

Looking for images I found the Italian version which I thought was interesting.


Italian Dark Academia

The research was enlightening but not that inspiring. I like the dark tweedy plaid but I just could not get it to work with mugs of black coffee, dusty tomes, or wise owls with big eyes. So I ended up imagining gothic buildings covered in ivy with everyone wearing black, gold, and brown tweedy plaids. Here is my entry this week for the Spoonflower design challenge -- Ivy and Plaid.

Ivy and Plaid

Not sure it works for Dark Academia -- maybe it's just a sophisticated camouflage?

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