Sunday, May 01, 2022

Books Adventure Travel Books

Home hobbies is this week's Spoonflower challenge. Arts, crafts, sewing -- these have been hobbies but also necessities. With three daughters to clothe I spent many years sewing and I loved it. But they moved on and so did I. At one point I worked in the DIY industry -- so lots of arts and crafts. Now, in retirement, I'm able to pursue surface design.  Arts, crafts, sewing -- they are what I work at. Hobbies are what I do in my leisure time and for me, it's books and travel. 

My "home hobby" Spoonflower challenge depicts books and travel. When I was still in my teens, I read

"The Agony and the Ecstasy". I was 65 when I finally visited the Sistine Chapel. The book and the experience led to more books about Italy, Michelangelo, and art.

I recently read "Lands of Lost Borders" -- a travel log of a bike trip on the Silk Road. That was a trip I don't have to experience firsthand. The story was enough of an adventure but it has also led me to look for additional books about the Silk Road.

While I didn't mention gardening as a hobby -- it is and it leads to many backyard adventures. What to plant where? Or what will that caterpillar become? Which leads to more books.

So for me, hobbies are Books and reading which result in Adventure, Travel, and more Books.

You can find this design and many more in my Spoonflower Collection, Backyard Adventures.

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